gun control

ALR289 – It’s Not About Sensitive Places

On November 3, 2021, the Supreme Court heard arguments in New York Rifle & Pistol Association vs. Bruen — a case that could make “shall issue” the law of the land around the nation. In this episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett review a hysterical amicus brief, filed by a group…

ALR272 – Who Wants a Nuke?

This week Lloyd is flying solo with a rant about the latest craziness in the news and tries in vain to put the best construction on the border crisis, crime, critical race theory, and gun control.

ALR265 – Wrapping Up Three Weeks of Stupid

In this week’s “Clinging to God & Guns” show, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett finally fisking an article from that is so chocked-full of stupid that it has taken three full weeks to dissect. The author, a United Methodist “pastor,” says we’re all going to hell for not supporting gun…

ALR264 – And You Thought Last Week Was the Dumbest

In this week’s “Clinging to God & Guns” show, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett continue fisking an article from that is so chocked-full of stupid that it’s going to require three full shows to dissect. The author, a United Methodist “pastor,” says we’re all going to hell for not supporting…

ALR263 – The Dumbest thing you will Read All Week

In this week’s “Clinging to God & Guns” show, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett get back to their roots by fisking an article from The author, a United Methodist “pastor,” says we’re all going to hell for not supporting gun control. Lloyd and Pastor dissect this IQ-destroying article filled with…

ALR261 – The Gun Control Dog and Pony Show

In a longer-than-usual episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett review President Biden-Harris’ gun control executive orders and debunk a pile of misleading stats, obfuscations, and outright lies.

ALR259 – Background Checks And Why You Should Oppose Them

If the purpose of background checks is to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people, why shouldn’t we support them? Lloyd and Pastor Bennett tackle the issue logically and theologically to help you better understand the consequences of new legislation and why they are bad ideas.

ALR254 – Why Do Churches Support Gun Control?

Turns out, the majority of American Christians may not actually be Christians. They like their religion with a strong dose of personal opinion, politics, and a heaping helping of heresy. Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss the vexing question of why American Christian churches get involved in social justice issues like…

ALR237 – What Can We Learn?

In this week’s Clinging to God & Guns episode, Pastor Bennett returns to discuss some recent news stories about gun violence and the ineffectiveness of gun laws. The discussion takes an unexpected turn and goes much longer than expected as we dive into the importance of valuing life from conception…

ALR215 – Devil in the Details

Lloyd discusses the parallels between the gun control movement and the national response to COVID-19 and the ways that numbers are manipulated to obscure the truth, and how the desire for security at all costs drives responses to both gun violence and the pandemic. At the same time it’s Easter…

ALR163 – Stump the Pastor

This week’s Clinging to God & Guns episode we’re playing a new round of Gun Ban Theology, better known as “Stump the Pastor.” Lloyd reads three brief excerpts from gun-ban Christians who refer to Scripture to back up their arguments and Pastor Bennett gives us his reactions off the cuff.

ALR160 – Ash Wednesday, Gun Safety, and Bad Laws

This week is another variety show with a training tip about gun safety from Sgt. Bill Silvia, Mia Anstine’s thoughts on the new, Draconian gun-control bills that have just passed the House of Representatives, and Pastor Bennett pontificates about Sin and the season of Lent which begins this week.

ALR159 – Doctrine of The Lesser Magistrates

The doctrine of the lesser magistrates declares that when the superior or higher civil authority makes an unjust/immoral law or decree, the lesser or lower ranking civil authority has both the right and duty to refuse obedience to that superior authority. Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss how this 500-year-old doctrine…

ALR155 – Gun Ban Theology

In this week’s Clinging to God & Guns episode we’re doing a little Bible study called Gun Ban Theology. Lloyd reads anti-gun arguments from Christian authors and Pastor Bennett reacts, putting the verses used in proper context.

ALR138 – Government and Gun Control Revisited

This week Lloyd and Pastor Bennett take up an email from a listener who wants us to revisit the question of what Christians owe the government and whether limiting the tools available for self-defense and defense of neighbor is a violation of God’s Law. Plus tips from Mia and Sgt….