gun control

ALR134 – Of Christians, Gun Control and Government

In this episode we bring you a feature-length edition of Clinging to God and Guns where Lloyd and Pastor Bennett consider what God’s Word says about government and what we, as Christians, owe the ruling authorities. Leftist gun-grabbers accuse us of loving guns more than God. So we center our…

ALR126 – Where (Social) Justice and Peace Kiss

In March of 2018, progressive clergy held an interfaith press conference held at Augustana Lutheran Church in Portland, Oregon, led by Augustana’s pastor, Mark Knutsen. Knutsen describes Augustana as a holy place where “justice and peace kiss.” That press conference launched the the “Lift Every Voice” campaign to gather signatures…

ALR125 – Micah and the Methodists

In this special episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett review the 2016 Resolution on Gun Violence from the United Methodist Church and it’s twisted interpretation of Micah 4:1-4.

ALR106 – A Wave of Fear

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett dive back into to look at a 2013 article by Ellen Painter Dollar who suggests that fear is what motivates gun owners and as Christians we should have no fear…so we don’t need guns. Plus tips from Sgt. Bill…

ALR102 – What The Bible Says About Thoughts & Prayers

In our first episode of 2018 we talk about resolutions, we salute the folks at GunBlog VarietyCast Radio, we get tips from Bill, Aaron, and Mia, and then Lloyd and Pastor Bennett dissect the heretical ramblings of a “woke” Christian who says Christianity is not about prayer, it’s about action…

ALR97 – Lt. Colonel Willes Lee and the State of the NRA

This week Lloyd is joined by NRA Board of Directors member Lt. Colonel Willes Lee (USA-Ret) for a frank, informative discussion about the state of the NRA and the future of gun rights. Plus a weekly self-defense tip from Aaron Israel of Fundamental Defense.

ALR94 – Child Sacrifice and the American Gun Cult

Whenever a mass killing happens in America we do nothing. If you define “nothing” as not passing meaningless gun control laws. So says a loopy leftist theology professor who says that because we won’t give up our guns, we’re no better than the ancient Canaanites who sacrificed their children to…

ALR92 – The Gospel for Gun-Loving Christians

What happens when the pastor of a progressive, social justice obsessed church buys a modern sporting rifle? Freakouts and hand-wringing, of course. To try to explain how this could have happened, author and musician David Gungor says gun-loving Christians love violence more than the Gospel and he aims to prove…

ALR088 – The Worst Sermon in the World

In this special episode, Lloyd and Pr. Bennett stumble upon what may be the most reprehensible thing they have ever analyzed in the 88-week history of the show. With all the technical glitches we endured to put this show together, we thought jokingly that Jesus didn’t want us listening to…

ALR086 – Americans and Our Guns

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio Lloyd is flying solo in Clinging to God & Guns with an anti-gun article from the Baptist General Convention of Texas that argues you can support the Second Amendment and still support banning dangerous guns. Bill shares his live fire routine, Aaron talks prioritizing…

ALR084 – I Always Wanted to Be a Cult Leader

This week we are talking about gun control, confiscation, and Biblical prophesy. Lloyd and Pastor Bennett review a video by Doug at Fellowship of the Martyrs (not a cult) who says confiscation is inevitable so the government can fulfill the events foretold in the Book of Revelation. He says God…

ALR073 – A Peaceful Plethora of Pizza, Pop, and Free Parking

In this week’s episode of Armed Lutheran Radio Lloyd and Pastor Bennett take on a “sermon” from a Methodist church in Phoenix that is basically a political speech disguised as a sermon. Filled with bad statistics, horrible exegesis, and the suggestion that peace can be achieved with pizza, pop and…