
ALR401 – The View on the Commandments, Part 2

Recently the women on the TV show “The View” discussed abortion and attempted to justify it based on the Ten Commandments and the fact that we allow war, capital punishment and guns. In this episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett expand the discussion to include Trump’s announced policy on abortion, the…

ALR400 – 400th Episode Extravaganza

It’s out 400th Episode Extravaganza and we are celebrating with Pastor Bennett and Reformation Gun Club members Guillaume Williams (and daughter Maximilienne), Jim Martin (and new son Nathaniel), Stuart Burt, Steven Clifford, Donny Ross, William Swenston, and Curtis Heidel. Plus cameos by family dogs and various other youngsters.

ALR399 – Wisdom from the Wasteland

This week Lloyd reviews the new Amazon TV series “Fallout” and draws some interesting lessons about real world self-defense from the show’s first season.

ALR398 – The View on the Commandments, Part 1

Last week the women on the TV show “The View” discussed abortion and attempted to justify it based on the Ten Commandments and the fact that we allow war, capital punishment and guns. In this episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett discuss the specific claims the hosts make and explain the…

ALR396 – March Online Hangout

This week it’s our Reformation Gun Club Online Hangout for March and Lloyd is hanging out with William Swenson, Stuart Burt, Steven Clifford, Rob Laird, and Donny Ross. The gang discusses the President’s horrible Statue of the Union address, the sad state of politics in the nation, foreign aid, and…

ALR395 – Getting Tough on Crime

Lloyd and Pastor Bennett get together for the first time in 2024 to discuss the interesting trend of blue-state politicians getting tough on crime. Is there a genuine concern for citizens or is this just an election year ploy. What’s the best construction?