
ALR372 – Instincts, Conservation, and Greybeard Actual

This week is a variety show with content from the cast. Mia discusses the role of hunting in conservation, Sgt. Bill reviews a book by Greybeard Actual “The Way is in Training,” and Lloyd shares thoughts on trusting your instincts when selling (or buying) a firearm.

ALR240 – Biden, Bullpups, Bullets and BS

On this week’s variety show we hear Lloyd’s thoughts on the upcoming election, Mia talks about the utility of bullpup shotguns for home defense, Sgt. Bill has advice for training during yet another ammo shortage, and Pastor Bennett debunks a nonsensical article from our favorite heretic: Rev. John Piper.

ALR226 – Training, New Guns, and Whiteness

On this week’s variety show Mia shares some interesting info about the most commonly purchased firearms during the current turmoil around the country, Sgt. Bill talks about training frequency in his Ballistic Minute this week, not just about how often you train, but how often you train different aspects of…

ALR036 – Do Christians Have a Right to Self-Defense?

On this week’s episode we discuss the goofy gnostic musings of a gay Presbyterian who thinks that Bible-believing Christians have no right to defend their lives, homes, or property. A look at my violent allergy to jazz hands, and great tips from Sgt. Bill, Aaron, and Mia.

ALR031 – The Choice Before Us

In today’s episode of Armed Lutheran Radio we talk a lot about the Olympics, taking a training class, how to reduce administrative handling of your firearm, and we get a guest gun review from Jon Braaten. We’ll talk about the upcoming election and the difficult choice before us and we…

ALR018 – American Evangelicals and Gun Control

In this week’s episode of Armed Lutheran Radio, we’re back from the Texas State IDPA match with tips from Sergeant Bill on practicing what you’re not good at, Aaron Israel of Fundamental Defense joins me to discuss the importance of seeking professional training, and Pastor John Bennett of St. John’s…

ALR009 – Training, Transitions, and Rattling Mags

In this week’s episode, tips on organizing your get-home bag or first-aid kit, a range review of the CZ 2075 RAMI, Sergeant Bill has some tips on how to shoot transitions, Aaron Israel with tips on getting the most out of your limited training time, and our contestants return to…