supreme court

ALR407 – The Courts Strike Again

Pastor John Bennett, the Pistol Packing Padre, joins us this week to discuss three of the biggest 2A court decisions in recent weeks: the SCOTUS ruling on bump stocks, the ATF pistol brace rule, and the recent change to the definition of “engaged in business.”

ALR371 – Biden, Bongs, and Boomsticks

This week Lloyd shares his thoughts on a recent ruling from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Just as Hunter Biden’s sweetheart deal falls through the Fifth Circuit, based on SCOTUS’s ruling in Bruen, basically invalidates the gun charges against Hunter Biden. Coincidence?

ALR324 – Defamation, Gun Laws, Monkeypox and More

In this week’s Reformation Gun Club exclusive, Lloyd shares details about the upcoming book and discusses the latest gun-rights news: Alex Jones fined $4-million for lying about the Sandy Hook school shooting, the Parkland Shooter finally goes to trial, the Highland Park shooter enters a plea, Monkeypox is somehow a…

ALR318 – Contradictions, Social Media, and Standing for Truth

In today’s episode, Lloyd comments on the contradictions in the Leftist responses to this week’s events, Mia shares thoughts on social media safety, and Pastor Bennett is back from the recent district LCMS convention with thoughts about standing up for the truth.

ALR289 – It’s Not About Sensitive Places

On November 3, 2021, the Supreme Court heard arguments in New York Rifle & Pistol Association vs. Bruen — a case that could make “shall issue” the law of the land around the nation. In this episode, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett review a hysterical amicus brief, filed by a group…