ALR012 – Beating Guns into Plows

On this week's episode we look back at the MVSA Regional IDPA Championship, Sergeant Bill Silvia has tips on trigger control, Aaron Israel shares a personal defense tip about practicing off-balance shooting, and Pastor John Bennett and I take a look at some misguided Christian anti-gunners who think the Old Testament prophets call us to beat our guns into garden tools for the poor.


Links of Interest

Ballistic Minute with Sergeant Bill
Sgt. Bill talks about trigger control in this week's Ballistic Minute. Bill visualizes trigger control as a triangle, with your stance and grip as two points and your trigger press at the top. It's at the top because it influences your sight picture the most of the three. Good stance plus good grip plus bad trigger press equals a bad shot. He discusses learning the break of your trigger so you can anticipate the break. He boils three techniques, their advantages and disadvantages: the slow press or “surprise” break, prep and press, and fast full press.

Aaron Israel of Fundamental Defense
This week Aaron talks about practicing off balance shooting when practicing for self-defense. A critical self-defense situation will be like receiving a pass you didn't expect with time running out in the Final Four. You have no anticipation, no preparation, and you have to adapt quickly. Static range drills are like shooting free throws and may be good for preparing for a classifier or a specific kind of competition, but it's not good in-context training. Get creative and try exercises like the “figure eight” drill and train for realistic situations.

Clinging to God and Guns
This week on Clinging to God and Guns, Pastor Bennett and I dissect an article from Red Letter Christians in response to the Umpqua Community College shooting. The author presents a good many bad stats and false claims, and then takes Micah and Isaiah completely out of context to suggest that we can participate in the redemptive work of Christ by taking guns and turning them into garden tools for the third world. The idea that the words of the prophets call us to beat swords into plowshares is completely misrepresented. We have a good chuckle at the author's expense with a right reading of the messianic prophecies of Micah and Isaiah and also look at the prophet Joel's call to beat plowshares into swords, something the author conveniently overlooks.

Prayer of the Week
Almighty and merciful God, as You have brought us to celebrate the festival of the Lord's resurrection, cause us by Your grace to bring forth the fruits thereof in our life and conduct; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Our Closing Theme A rockin' rendition of A Mighty Fortress is Our God, performed just for Armed Lutheran Radio by Kenny Gates.