
ALR408 – Happy VM Day!

Happy VM Day, folks! Lloyd looks back at the disastrous CNN Presidential Debate and discusses a topic that was notably absent: gun rights.

ALR406 – Happy Fathers Day

A Happy Fathers Day message from the Armed Lutheran to the amazing men who are working to make a difference in your children’s lives.

ALR395 – Getting Tough on Crime

Lloyd and Pastor Bennett get together for the first time in 2024 to discuss the interesting trend of blue-state politicians getting tough on crime. Is there a genuine concern for citizens or is this just an election year ploy. What’s the best construction?

ALR376 – Sad Examples of Self-Defense

Lloyd and Pastor Bennett are reviewing some self-defense stories from around the nation to see what important lessons we can learn. From defense of your own property, defending other people’s property, and shooting with your eyes closed, there’s a lot to un-pack.

ALR376 – Sad Examples of Self-Defense (full version)

This full-length version of episode 376 includes over 25 minutes of exclusive content for Gun Club members. Lloyd and Pastor Bennett are reviewing some self-defense stories from around the nation to see what important lessons we can learn. From defense of your own property, defending other people’s property, and shooting with your eyes closed, there’s a lot to un-pack. Plus a feel-good story about women and guns that busts the left’s myths about the dangers of women owning firearms.

ALR367 – Guns, Politics, and Pandering

President Biden called for tougher gun control measures following a 4th of July holiday marred by violence. Lloyd looks at the sad political truth behind the cynical call for more gun control, as politicians continue to do nothing about the actual problem: criminals.

ALR364 – He’s Baaaack!

Lloyd is back! Recovered from the crud and commenting on the emotionally charged headlines of the day. Trump Derangement Syndrome, the horror of supermajorities, the excesses of the trans movement, crime and gun control.

ALR337 – The Nature of Evil

Crime is on the ballot in the 2022 mid-terms. The Left doesn’t know how to deal with it because they don’t understand the nature of evil. As proof, Lloyd points to recent media examples, including Amazon’s bastardization of the dark lord Sauron in the “Rings of Power.”

ALR330 – Ten Commandments in the News

This week is a Reformation Gun Club exclusive episode. Lloyd responds to some criticism and then digs into some recent news stories and discusses some lessons we can learn and how the Ten Commandments apply to each of them.

ALR304 – What’s the Best Construction?

In this week’s “Clinging to God & Guns” show Lloyd and Pastor Bennett dissect look at some recent crime stories and try to put the best construction on the actions of the perps and see what lessons we can learn. If any.

ALR279 – Crime and the 10 Commandments, NY Style

We’ve made a lot of fun of “Florida Man” in previous episodes, but the truth is that “Florida Man” doesn’t hold a candle to “New York Man” when it comes to crime. While “Florida Man’s” exploits are bizarre and often hilarious, New York Man tends toward senseless violence. Today we…

ALR204 – Crime and the 10 Commandments

In this first Clinging to God & Guns show of 2020, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett are playing Crime and the 10 Commandments. We review crime stories from Oklahoma and Texas, try to determine how the Commandments apply and then Pastor Bennett counsels the perps and the victims.

ALR173 – Preaching to Florida Man

Today Lloyd and Pastor Bennett play another round of “Crime and the 10 Commandments,” reviewing some interesting crime news for how the Ten Commandments apply and preaching to the troubled people involved. But this time we’re doing it with a twist, adding in that fabled scallywag, The Florida Man.

ALR161 – More Crime and the 10 Commandments

In today’s episode we are playing more “Crime and the 10 Commandments.” Lloyd and Pastor Bennett look at a couple of interesting crime stories and discuss Castle Doctrine, forgiveness, and the Ten Commandments.