ALR078 – The Armor of Light

In this special episode of Armed Lutheran Radio, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett take on a sermon by Rev. Rob Schenck. The sermon is part of a series of presentations in support of Rev. Schenck’s collaborative documentary film “The Armor of Light” which follows Schenck’s road from conservative Evangelical Christian, to…

ALR077 – Safety On

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio we’re talking about gun safety and taking new shooters to the range. We’ll meet Yehuda Remer, the author of the new kids book “Safety On: An introduction to the world of firearms for children.” Lloyd’s 7-year-old daughter shares her impressions of the book, plus…

ALR076 – The Cocky Swagger Returns

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett take on another audio interview with Reverend John Piper (whose “cocky swagger” we first met back in Episode 55) who again suggests that we don’t need guns because he could not kill a home invader who would probably go to…

ALR075 – A Grown-Up Conversation about Guns

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio, Lloyd responds to shares some thoughts from James 3:1 in response to the Alexandria shooting, responds to some listener feedback, reviews the Canik TP9SF Elite (pronouncing it correctly in the process) and takes on an arrogant, elitist PhD in Clinging to God and Guns….

ALR074 – Basement Dwellers, Bongs, and Bad Theology

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio, Lloyd and Pastor Bennett try to make sense of a video from a Taoist Christian (?) who thinks Jesus’ command to buy a sword in Luke 22:36 is about being numbered with transgressors and says that if we think this verse justifies the ownership…

ALR073 – A Peaceful Plethora of Pizza, Pop, and Free Parking

In this week’s episode of Armed Lutheran Radio Lloyd and Pastor Bennett take on a “sermon” from a Methodist church in Phoenix that is basically a political speech disguised as a sermon. Filled with bad statistics, horrible exegesis, and the suggestion that peace can be achieved with pizza, pop and…

ALR072 – When Dark My Road

Today we discuss the topic of suicide following the tragic death of Bob Owens. Sgt. Bill shares his thoughts in a non-Ballistic Minute, Mia Anstine talks about prevention how to recognize the warning signs, and we talk about the Christian view of depression and suicide in Clinging to God &…

ALR071 – The Eighth Commandment and the Santa Shooter

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio we are joined by Marcus Weldon, the “Santa Shooter,” to talk about his self-defense shooting, the legal nightmare that followed, and his new book “The Santa Shooter: Guilty Until Proven Innocent.” Plus a tip from Sgt. Bill and thoughts on the Eighth Commandment, our…

ALR070 – Mothers Day and Chicago Guns Matter

It’s a special Mothers Day edition of Armed Lutheran Radio. Lloyd, Aaron, Mia, and Pastor Bennett pay tribute to our moms, plus a couple of surprises, and Rhonda Ezell of Chicago Guns Matter joins us to talk about the legal battles that bear her name in the fight to expand…

ALR069 – What Would Jesus Say to the NRA?

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio, Sgt. Bill is back! Aaron shares a lesson learned from a recent good-guy-with-a-gun incident in Texas, Mia reports from the Shoot Like a Girl trailer at NRAAM, and Pastor Bennett is out sick so Lloyd is flying solo on Clinging to God & Guns,…

ALR068 – Thoughts on Constitutional Carry

“Constitutional carry” is all the rage, with 13 states now allowing residents to carry a concealed firearm without a permit and as many as a dozen more considering similar measures. This week on Armed Lutheran Radio, Lloyd and contributors Mia Anstine, Aaron Israel, and Pastor John Bennett all share their…

ALR067 – Was Jesus the Ultimate Liberal?

It’s been a craptastic couple of weeks for the gun banners. Two shootings in California — one in a school and a spree killing — should have served as grist for the gun control media mill. But once the facts became known, the narratives fell apart and nobody cared. Plus…

ALR066 – Holy Week and Handguns

Two events in the final week of the life of Christ are most often used on either side of the gun debate. Jesus tells his disciples in the Upper Room to sell their cloaks and buy swords, and later tells Simon Peter that all who take up the sword will…

ALR065 – Saint Augustine Said What?

This week on Armed Lutheran Radio Lloyd and Pastor Bennett dissect a sermon from 2012 by a Presbyterian pastor who based her sermon title on a bogus quote from Saint Augustine of Hippo and suggests that we are all sinners if we don’t vote for politicians who support gun control….

ALR064 – Lessons from a Good Samaritan

When we make the decision to carry a firearm or to purchase a firearm for home defense, there are a certain set of scenarios that we all envision and prepare for. How many of us prepare to intervene in a violent assault on a stranger? How many of us prepare…