ALR389 – The Final Online Hangout of 2023

This week is the last episode of 2023 and the final Online Hangout of the year. Lloyd is joined by Reformation Gun Club members Dan Veldt, Stuart Burt, and Donnie and Peter Ross and then we give away prizes with the help of my Lloyd’s daughter, Rylyn.

ALR388 – They Saw the Same Star Rising

A Christmas message based on the account of author Henry Williamson of the Christmas Truce on the Ypres salient in 1914. That account, published in the London Daily Express in 1937, reminds us that even during that deadly and bitter conflict, we are all God’s children. Pray that we remember…

ALR387 – The Real Story of Christmas

This week we present, following a few announcements, the annual tradition that is the real story of Christmas as told in Chapters 1 and 2 of the Gospel of St. Luke. Performed by the cast, families and friends of Armed Lutheran Radio.

Episode 386 – The Final Variety Show of 2023 (Full Version)

This week is our final variety show of 2023. Mia shares some inspirations, Pastor Bennett is looking forward to Christmas as we move through the season of Advent, and Lloyd fisks an opinion piece from This is a full-length version of this episode, with over an hour of additional…

ALR386 – The Final Variety Show of 2023

This week is our final variety show of 2023. Mia shares some inspirations, Pastor Bennett is looking forward to Christmas as we move through the season of Advent, and Lloyd fisks an opinion piece from

ALR385 – November Online Hangout (Almost)

This week Lloyd and Pastor Bennett are hanging out with members of the Reformation Gun Club: Stuart Burt, Donny Ross, Mike Thomas, Guillaume Williams, William Swenson, Mike Soost, and Dan Rushing.

ALR384 – What Are You Thankful For?

Given all the terrible things in the world today, everything from War to the San Jose Sharks, what is there to be thankful for? In this Thanksgiving weekend rant, Lloyd seeks to answer that question.

ALR380 – Why Support Israel?

This week Lloyd is adding to his thoughts on the situation in the Middle East with a discussion of why we should be supporting Israel during this crisis and how it relates to the God-given right to armed self-defense.

ALR378 – Would Ethan’s Law Save Lives? (Part One)

This week Lloyd is reviewing an opinion piece written by the mother of a boy killed with an improperly stored firearm. The law, named after her son, is on the books in Connecticutt but is now proposed as a Federal Law. Lloyd examines how the debate is framed and discusses…

ALR377 – September Online Hangout

In this week’s episode Lloyd is hanging out with members of the Reformation Gun Club, including Stuart Burt, Donny Ross, William Swenson, and Scott Van Dorsten. We talk about the passing of Sen. Diane Feinstein, our first guns, gun deals, scout rifles, and the venerable revolver as a self-defense tool.

ALR376 – Sad Examples of Self-Defense

Lloyd and Pastor Bennett are reviewing some self-defense stories from around the nation to see what important lessons we can learn. From defense of your own property, defending other people’s property, and shooting with your eyes closed, there’s a lot to un-pack.