
ALR004 – News, Reviews, Ron Paul and Cruz

Thoughts on the election – particularly Ron Paul’s comments about Ted Cruz, some feel-good news out of the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals on the Maryland Assault Weapons Ban, a range review of the Canik-55 Stingray-C, a look back at a day in the mountains shooting with my Dad, and…

ALR002 – Seattle’s Gun Violence Tax

In the second episode of Armed Lutheran Radio we talk to Sergey Solyanik, owner of Precise Shooter in Seattle, Washington, about that city’s new “Gun Violence Tax” on firearms and ammunition sales, plus tips for preparing your family for concealed carry.

ALR001 – In the Beginning

In the first episode of Armed Lutheran Radio we talk a lot about choices. How to choose the right gun for you, Sergeant Bill’s Ballistic Minute give us tips on choosing a competition gun for a left-handed shooter, we review the Horizontal Magazine Carrier from SHTF Gear, and why I…